Meet our #Warrioroftheweek, Bryan Enriquez💙
Spotlight on: Bryan
Hello, my name is Bryan. I am 18 years old and an electronic engineering student in Mexico. I also enjoy creating content for various platforms such as TikTok and YouTube.
About 2 years ago, I began researching what was happening with my vision. I have been seeing a type of noise similar to that of cameras for as long as I can remember. After a few hours of investigation and reading, I was surprised to discover that I actually have Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS). Initially, I felt sad and a bit overwhelmed, but later on, I came to understand that it’s a part of me, and that realization made me feel better. Since then, I have been trying to spread information about VSS by creating videos on TikTok, YouTube, and even sharing my experiences with my friends.
In the future, I would like to support VSS research, but for now, I will do my best to spread information about VSS. I am one of the few people creating content in Spanish about VSS, and I hope that Spanish speakers can also get informed and learn about this syndrome.
If you don’t mind, I’ll leave my YouTube videos talking about VSS: