Meet Our

Warrior of the Week

These inspiring individuals with Visual Snow Syndrome are sharing their experiences living with this condition and how they try their best to overcome its symptoms everyday.

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Maya Toadere

Hello, my name is Maya, I’m 16 years old, and I’m from Romania. I don’t know exactly when it all started. When I was little, I would go to bed at night and see a lot of spots on the ceiling of my room. I didn’t think much of it until now, considering its symptoms.

Since I was young, I always felt fear and anxiety, along with a sense of depersonalization, but I told myself it was all in my head and that I was okay. Recently, however, everything became worse. I started to feel more anxious, afraid, and experienced intense depersonalization and derealization.

I looked online for information about the visual snow I had dismissed, thinking it was completely normal and that everyone saw it this way. Every evening when I went outside for a walk, everything appeared much darker, and the spots multiplied. I saw the lights from traffic lights and street lamps as flashes. I didn’t really pay attention to these symptoms, but they always made me feel restless. Until I researched online, I thought my non-visual sensations were related to my brain, but apparently, they are connected to visual snow.

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