Spotlight on: Alex Sams ⚡️ @alextothesams89
“My name is Alex Sams. I have been suffering from vss for over 18 years. For years I noticed static in my vision and have always had thousands of floaters that never go away. I always wondered if there was something seriously wrong because I noticed as time went on I developed more symptoms. I have every possible symptom of vss and they have only worsened through time. I have terrible migraines every day all day, the trailing and static is out of hand. Years of testing, mris, and seeing about every specialist possible I found no answers. Classic vs story. It wasn’t until I googled “pixels in my vision” that I found a name for it. And an entire community dedicated to finding treatment/cure. The Visual Snow Initiative. The Visual Snow Initiative actually gave me the necessary resources to properly get my official diagnoses from a neurologist.
I am grateful for this community. But I would be lying if I said I’m not scared. Some days are better than others. But I think it’s important to have hope. And to not let it consume you. Life always gets better. There will be good and bad days. I’ve learned to embrace every moment. Even the bad. And hope has kept me going. If anyone needs someone to talk to please do not hesitate to dm me. I’m always here and I want to do everything in my power to help with the cause. Thank you to everyone involved. Please know you’re not alone. ❤️”