Spotlight on: Gonzalo Wosner ???? @gzwosner
“Hello, greetings to all. My name is Gonzalo Wosner, I am 22 years old and I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I have been aware of visual snow in my life since the beginning of this year. I have myopia and astigmatism and I wear glasses usually, and I thought the problem was that my vision was not as good as I wanted. Over time I became worried and suddenly I could describe the feeling of what I really saw and without a doubt it was described as “snow” or “television static.” I commented to my friends and they thought I was crazy, but they really cannot imagine how much my quality of life diminishes with my deteriorated vision. I went to different ophthalmologists, they told me that I could have scintillating synchysis, which I can distinguish is really different from what actually happens to me. Also, I was offended that in a clinic they told me that they were only floaters, giving signs that thorough awareness and research work needs to be done.
Thank you for this initiative, I hope you can help many more people. I am happy knowing that there are people who are going through the same difficulty, & we are here to support each other.”