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Warrior of the Week

These inspiring individuals with Visual Snow Syndrome are sharing their experiences living with this condition and how they try their best to overcome its symptoms everyday.

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Visual Snow Warrior of the Week – Jessee Sue Lively

Spotlight on: Jessee Sue Lively ???? @jesseesue

“I was in university for three years, and during this time, I developed static vision, tinnitus, palinopsia, and poor night vision. I had these symptoms 24/7 and thought I had a brain tumor and would go blind. My anxiety levels were very high. Which resulted in me experiencing depersonalization and derealization. I would feel numb and disconnected very often. When I saw my eye specialist; she was aware of the condition and diagnosed me with visual snow syndrome.

I did not give up on school and life even though I wanted to. Many days, I left class to cry because I could not see the board or my teacher’s face due to thick static. I knew there had to be helpful and that life was still worth living, and I had hope for improving my condition and ways to cope and lower symptoms. I sought support from an online visual snow support group. This helped tremendously. 

Today, I have my good and bad days with this condition. I am thankful for my vision and hearing, although they are both often impaired by constant noise. I can still see and hear. I take peace in the stillness and beauty of nature despite all the noise around me. Things that help me cope and often lower my symptoms are:

  • Making sure I get proper sleep.
  • Exercise.
  • Having a clean diet with no processed foods.
  • Grounding myself in nature.
  • Listening to peaceful music.
  • Surrounding myself with people who I love and who love me.

I am still in the support group because I want others to feel supported and that they aren’t alone. I have hope and faith for a cure/official treatment. ✨ ️ thank you for everyone researching and being involved.”

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