Spotlight on: Will Davies ⚡️ @daviesanonymous
“My name is Will Davies and I’m a senior in high school in Northeast Illinois. I’ve had visual snow for about 3 months now. I believe it was induced after LSD usage (poor choice, I know but I have since refrained from all substance use). A couple months after my last trip, I woke up one day and noticed that posters on my wall were fuzzy. I went outside to look at the sky and the sky was filled with a TV-like static.
I have floaters and am sensitive to LED lights which have after images minutes after looking away from the lights. My case isn’t debilitating but It does cause some anxiety for me. I want to go back to a time when I didn’t have VSS. I thought I was helpless and my eye doctor did some tests but she said that vision was fine and it was all good. But it’s not “all good”. I thought I was forsaken and essentially screwed but the Visual Snow Initiative has taught me that effective treatments are on the horizon and that in these upcoming years a solid treatment plan will be widely available. I try to keep busy in the meantime and really do what I can to not focus on it but it can still be irritating. It’s good to know that I’m not alone in this battle and it is a battle being fought hard by optical physicians across the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my story with others. We may be far in miles, but we are not alone!”