Meet the VSI Team

> Meet the VSI Team

Meet the Researchers

Working together to develop solutions, the Visual Snow Initiative (VSI) collaborates with worldwide Visual Snow Syndrome experts and connects them with one another in order to maximize global research efforts.

Our Global Research Team consists of physicians, scientists, and researchers from around the world who are dedicated to studying Visual Snow Syndrome and finding a cure. Their areas of exploration include symptomatology, pathophysiology, brain network mechanisms, neurotransmitters, biomarkers, and treatments. Their fields of expertise include neurology, neuro-ophthalmology, ophthalmology, optometry, neuroscience, neurobiology, and advanced technology.

Your generous tax-deductible donation to VSI goes directly to supporting our collective global research for Visual Snow Syndrome.

Dr. Peter Goadsby

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor of Neurology, UCLA, Awarded 2021 Brain Prize
Dr. Goadsby's Profile

Dr. Francesca Puledda

Neurologist & Post-Doctoral Researcher, Headache Group, King’s College London
Dr. Puledda's Profile

Dr. Christoph Schankin

MD, PhD, Associate Professor & Head of Inselspital Headache Clinic, Dept. of Neurology
Dr. Schankin's Profile
Dr. Antonia Klein

Dr. Antonia Klein

Neurology Resident, Inselspital, dept. of neurology
Dr. Klein's Profile

Dr. Yasser Khan

Oculoplastic, orbital, and ophthalmic surgery
Dr. Khan's Profile

Dr. Ed Boyden

PhD, Neurotechnology, MIT Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, McGovern Institute & HHMI
Dr. Boyden's Profile

Dr. Owen White

PhD, MD, M.Sc, MB.BS, Ocular Motor Research Unit “Fielding/White Group”, Dept. of Neurology
Dr. White's Profile

Dr. Victoria Pelak

MD, Professor of Neurology and Ophthalmology, University of colorado School of medicine
Dr. Pelak's Profile

Dr. Charles Shidlofsky

Neuro-Vision Associates of North Texas, President of the ISVA
Dr. Shidlofsky's Profile

Dr. Barry Tannen

Board Certified in Vision Therapy and Development EyeCare Professionals, PC
Dr. Tannen's Profile

Dr. Sui Wong

Neurologist & Neuro-Ophthalmologist, Vice-President, UK Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
Dr. Wong's Profile

Dr. Joanne Fielding

PhD, Ocular Motor Research Unit “Fielding/White Group”, Dept. of Neurology
Dr. Fielding's Profile

Dr. Mark Weatherall

Consultant Neurologist at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Dr. Weatherall's Profile

Dr. Terry Tsang

Neuro-Vision Therapy, optometrist, Fellow in FAAO & FCOVD
Dr. Tsang's Profile

Dr. Nir Grossman

Assistant Professor at the Department of Brain Sciences
Dr. Grossman's Profile

James T. Fulton

Acclaimed Researcher, Neuron & Neural Systems
Mr. Fulton's Profile

Dr. Peter Gerhardstein

Chair, Human Subjects Research Review Committee (IRB) Co-Director, Center for Imaging, Acoustics and Perception Science Co-Program Director, 2023 ISDP Annual Conference Dept. of Psychology Binghamton University-SUNY
Dr. Gerhardstein's Profile
Sam Maione

Sam Maione

Department of Brain and Psychological Sciences Johns Hopkins University
Mr. Maione's Profile

Alex Baldwin

Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences / Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé McGill University / Université McGill
Mr. Baldwin's Profile

Dr. Leanna Dudley

Clinic Director at Denver Vision Therapy
Dr. Dudley's Profile

Sharon Grace Hadley

Chief Executive Officer, Oxford Mindfulness Foundation
Sharon's Profile

Makeda McKenzie

Instructor, Oxford Mindfulness Foundation and Caribbean Mindfulness Institute
Makeda's Profile

Dr. Damiano Perri

Adjunct Professor at Università degli Studi di Perugia
Dr. Perri's Profile

Dr. Osvaldo Gervasi

Deputy Director at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Università degli Studi di Perugia
Dr. Gervasi's Profile

Evgeniy Sokolov

Neuology Lead Researcher at Sechenov University
Evgeniy's Profile

Anastasia Kononirova

Functional Diagnostics Co - Researcher at Sechenov University
Anastasia's Profile

Nurmeeva Azaliya

Ophtalmology Co-Researcher at Sechenov University
Nurmeeva's Profile

Romanov Dmitriy

Psychiatry Scientific Consultant at Sechenov University
Romanov's Profile

Pyatkov Artem

Neurology Hed of Dept. of Functional Diagnostics in Nuerophysiology at Sechenov University
Pyatkov's Profile

Sergeev Alexey

Neurology Research SUpervisor t Sechenov University
Sergeev's Profile

Meet the VSI Team

VSI’s Founder and team members are passionate about empowering those living with Visual Snow Syndrome through generating awareness, education, resources, patient advocacy, treatments, and research.

Sierra Domb

Founder, Visual Snow Initiative
Sierra’s Profile
Vanessa Mora

Vanessa Mora

Director of Medical Research
Vanessa's Profile
Mehrad Mazaheri

Mehrad Mazaheri

Director of Information Technology
Mehrad's Profile

VSI Video Support Group Moderators

Brianna Bang

Brianna Bang

Brianna's Profile

Leah Woods

Leah's Profile

Amber Cote

Amber's Profile

Our Collaborators

Some of the institutions we have worked with and continue to work with include:

Be Part of the Solution

Support Visual Snow Syndrome Research

All donations to the Visual Snow Initiative go directly to Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS) research.

Your tax-deductible contribution ensures that global research will continue and makes a positive difference in the lives of people affected by VSS.