Meet the Researchers
Working together to develop solutions, the Visual Snow Initiative (VSI) collaborates with worldwide Visual Snow Syndrome experts and connects them with one another in order to maximize global research efforts.
Our Global Research Team consists of physicians, scientists, and researchers from around the world who are dedicated to studying Visual Snow Syndrome and finding a cure. Their areas of exploration include symptomatology, pathophysiology, brain network mechanisms, neurotransmitters, biomarkers, and treatments. Their fields of expertise include neurology, neuro-ophthalmology, ophthalmology, optometry, neuroscience, neurobiology, and advanced technology.
Your generous tax-deductible donation to VSI goes directly to supporting our collective global research for Visual Snow Syndrome.
Dr. Peter Goadsby
Dr. Francesca Puledda
Dr. Christoph Schankin
Dr. Ed Boyden
Dr. Owen White
Dr. Victoria Pelak
Dr. Charles Shidlofsky
Dr. Barry Tannen
Dr. Sui Wong
Dr. Joanne Fielding
Dr. Mark Weatherall
Dr. Peter Gerhardstein
Sam Maione
Alex Baldwin
Makeda McKenzie
Meet the VSI Team
VSI’s Founder and team members are passionate about empowering those living with Visual Snow Syndrome through generating awareness, education, resources, patient advocacy, treatments, and research.
VSI Video Support Group Moderators
Our Collaborators
Some of the institutions we have worked with and continue to work with include:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Monash University
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
University of Bern
King’s College
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Colorado
Imperial College
McGill University / Université McGill
NIHR National Institute for Health and Care Research
Binghamton University
The University of Sheffield
Support Visual Snow Syndrome Research
All donations to the Visual Snow Initiative go directly to Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS) research.
Your tax-deductible contribution ensures that global research will continue and makes a positive difference in the lives of people affected by VSS.